Saturday, July 24, 2010

Efficient Replacement to Windows Copy or XCopy

Frustrated with Microsoft Windows’ Copy or XCopy command-line tools? Even with Windows Explorer, you seldom succeed in copying multiple files--- it just stops when an error is encountered leaving you clueless as to why and where it stopped. Your instinct would then be retry and fail again.

You might think of using XCopy from the command line. Of course, it’s better than the Copy command giving you a bit of control of multiple file copies but aside from the difficult-to-use syntax, you also get misleading error messages that are hard to troubleshoot. It still eats up your valuable amount of time trying to get it right.


But thanks to Microsoft RichCopy, copying multiple files and directories in the thousands is now a breeze. This is a Windows GUI tool to let you copy multiple files and directories with so many options available in XCopy. It is fast, simple to use and most of all, it’s free!

Please note that this utility is provided as-is, and it's not supported by Microsoft (